New Patients 757-216-9914

Current Patients 757-222-3731

919 First Colonial Rd. Suite B Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Orthodontics for Adults

Orthodontic treatment is not just for children and teenagers. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontics, one in four orthodontic patients are adults. Patients with tooth gaps, overbites, underbites, crossbites, and other problems with their smile benefit from orthodontic treatment as an adult. Additionally, patients can address their orthodontic problems with modern treatments like Invisalign. Learn more about orthodontics for adults in our Virginia Beach, VA office and how correcting misalignment and crooked teeth can help your smile.

orthodontics for adults in Virginia Beach, VA

Orthodontic Treatment for Adults in Virginia Beach

While orthodontic care is similar for patients of all ages, adult patients may require longer treatment. Because adults have all of their permanent teeth and do not have tooth growth, the bone density of their teeth can impact treatment. Additionally, we must address their oral health before orthodontic care if patients have developed problems like TMJ or gingivitis.

Metal braces are a traditional choice that can benefit patients with more complex orthodontic problems. Oftentimes, we will recommend Invisalign treatment for adult patients. Invisalign utilizes clear appliances that cover the upper and lower teeth. We customize these appliances to conform to the smile and shift the teeth over time.

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign offers a less noticeable treatment than metal braces because it uses clear plastic aligners. Patients can also easily remove their aligners to eat and drink without restrictions. Oftentimes, patients who choose braces may not be able to eat overly crunchy, sticky, or hard foods. Removing the Invisalign aligners also allows patients to brush and floss their teeth without metal wires or brackets in the way. Wearing Invisalign aligners also prevents staining post-treatment. 

What is the Invisalign Process?

Before Invisalign, we make sure that clear aligners are the right treatment for our patients. We will take dental x-rays and note any oral health problems. Then, we will take dental impressions of teeth that we send to a dental lab. Lab technicians create a series of aligners. Each set is slightly different. You will wear these aligners for two to three weeks before switching to the next set. The aligners place pressure on the teeth to guide them to their final placement. At regular dental visits, we will keep track of your progress.

How Invisalign Helps Your Smile

Straightening your teeth creates a more balanced bite. Misaligned teeth often contribute to TMD or temporomandibular joint disorders. These disorders can lead to problems like headaches, migraines, and teeth clenching and grinding. A straighter smile can also help improve confidence and help you maintain your oral health. Receiving beautiful, aesthetically pleasing results often motivates patients to take care of their smiles.

Do you want to enhance the look and comfort of your smile with orthodontic treatment? Call Coastal General Dentistry today at 757-216-9914 or schedule your next dental appointment online.